I'm Tony U. Francisco, a Ph.D. student, Army Veteran, Performance Specialist, Professional Certified Coach, and Board-Certified Leadership Coach in pursuit of High Performance in fitness, business, and psychology.

My fire or "burn" is to learn and grow everyday, inching closer to my true potential while simultaneously pushing the boundary on what exactly that is. I enjoy writing articles and coaching others to do the same.

Want to build a High-Performance Life? Subscribe to the High-Performance Daily for a story to your inbox every single day.

I started the High-Performance Lifestyle publication on Medium, where I share weekly articles on building the skills necessary to sustain a High-Performance Life. I also write for other publications to explore other interests and connect with the greater community on Medium.

A high-performance life is the intentional application of focus, energy, physicality, mindset, emotional intelligence, creativity, and personal effectiveness in a way that optimizes performance and produces uncommon results.

For more information on my coaching and programs, you can visit my website at trainoutwork.com.

To view my current fitness and lifestyle programs, you can visit trainoutwork.com/programs.

If you're interested in writing for the High-Performance Lifestyle publication, you can view the submission guidelines here.

Follow me on Instagram @outworkchief or my training IG for access to free resources @trainoutwork.

Medium member since January 2022
Friend of Medium since December 2023
Connect with Tony U. Francisco
Tony U. Francisco

Tony U. Francisco

Friend of Medium

Professional Coach that uses Performance Psychology to help People and Organizations Thrive. https://bio.site/trainoutwork